I bought two of these - one white, and one black. I saw the AP video with these in it and wanted to give 'em a whirl. At $1.99 each it's not much of a gamble. I expected these to be kinda like streakers, but they aren't. As far as I can tell they are kinda like big, chalky crayons. I have no idea how well they would hold up in outdoor environments. Also, the white one wipes off VERY easily from what I've noticed (just simply smudging them off with a fingertip takes seconds) so I don't know how I feel about these.
Pro: cheap, easily concealable, cool Japanese writing, basically odorless, doesn't seem to 'scab up' like the hobo marker
Con: the white one wipes off very easy, has limited graffiti applications in my opinion
2 stars
Rating: [2 of 5 Stars!]
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