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All the reviews by Bobby Hampton - A Top 200 Reviewer!
Art Primo High Volume Cap by Bobby Hampton - A Top 200 Reviewer! 04/08/2018
Art Primo High Volume Cap I never use this cap but it still gets 5stars because it works as intended. If you tag with rusto and speed is your goal,this sh*t right here will do you well. You can move the can as fast as you want and the paint will hit the wall. I caught a FAST o one liners tags and this cap did not hold me back. It would so be great for hollow throwups and such. Basically this is a bombing cap for those high traffic areas where speed is key.

Rating: 5 of 5 Stars! [5 of 5 Stars!]

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Art Primo Touch Cap by Bobby Hampton - A Top 200 Reviewer! 04/08/2018
Art Primo Touch Cap This cap has its moments, however I don't keep them in my kit as I've found others to work as well or better. It is very versatile tho.

Pros: managable outlput, good preassure sensitivity, good flares. This cap really sings when fading fill colors.
Cons: steep angle which makes it hard to judge exacy where the paint will hit the wall since you're pushing the cap forward and down at the same time.

Overview: It is thin enough for outlines, soft enough for fades, comfortable enough to paint all day. However I'd prefer to rock an AP precise for outlines, ezrider or female fat for fills, and softie for fades. BUT if I were challenged to paint a piece with only one cap, this would be my pick.

Rating: 4 of 5 Stars! [4 of 5 Stars!]

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Molotow Super Skinny by Bobby Hampton - A Top 200 Reviewer! 04/06/2018
Molotow Super Skinny These are nice, I I've been using them on Belton cans. They're comparable to the GO3, but there is absolutely no delay in spray cut off when you lift your finger, unlike the GO3. They have minimal Flair which I prefer for an outline cap, and get very very skinny if you ask them to. This will probably be my go-to outline cat moving forward, the paint Flows at a manageable rate, and you can have a little wobble in your distance from the surface without seeing huge variation in line thickness. There may be a better outline cap out there, but for someone like me who is not an expert, this one seems easiest to work with.

Rating: 5 of 5 Stars! [5 of 5 Stars!]

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Montana Level 1 Ultra Skinny Cap by Bobby Hampton - A Top 200 Reviewer! 04/06/2018
Montana Level 1 Ultra Skinny Cap Just a follow-up on my last review. These actually work well but ONLY when seated on a Sekt adapter. I had good results on a can of rusto painters touch. This works because it bypasses direct contact to the valve. I still prefer the AP precise cap on rusto tho.

I tried cutting the retaining walls with a razor to get more clearance for use on Montana and Belton, but the issue is the stem is far too wide to fit into the valve opening. It takes about 10 lbs of pressure to get a spray on either can, and once it starts spraying it won't stop until pried off with a knife. Then you are left with a broken valve Absolute garbage. I ruined a can of paint trying to get this sh*t to work.

AP, did I get a bad batch or what? Bought these over a year ago, maybe the design has been changed since they first dropped?

Rating: 1 of 5 Stars! [1 of 5 Stars!]

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Montana Level 1 Ultra Skinny Cap by Bobby Hampton - A Top 200 Reviewer! 03/19/2018
Montana Level 1 Ultra Skinny Cap I haven't had any success with these. Tried on two cans of well shaken belton and Montana. No spray, nothing at all. I tried 3 brand new caps on each can, maybe I'm missing something?

Rating: 1 of 5 Stars! [1 of 5 Stars!]

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Magic Ink Solid Paint Marker by Bobby Hampton - A Top 200 Reviewer! 03/17/2018
Magic Ink Solid Paint Marker These are my favorite steakers, but have some drawbacks. Pros: great size for the pocket and feel good in the hand. Super smooth in temperatures be above 40* or so. No sludgyness or skipping like some streakers. Twist back down for clean recapping. Cons: Not much material for you money, AP solids give you almost double the writes. Not great in comd weather, AP. steaks crush these in the winter. Not a wide color selection, although the available colors are fantastic. Not compatible with splitting, the base doesnt come our of the body. None the less these are my streaker of choice in most any condition.

Rating: 5 of 5 Stars! [5 of 5 Stars!]

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