OTR .005 Soul Tip Squeeze -Empty Mop
OTR .005 Soul Tip Squeeze -Empty Mop
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This is the On The Run 005 Soul Tip Squeeze Marker. This is another super squeezable marker in the popular ... more▾ 

Reviews (15)  4.1 of 5 Stars!

Spork 05/31/2013
This is my 'daily' marker and I love it! I regularly refer to it as "My Bestfriend".

I've been using this with OTR paints for months and it always does exactly what I want. Smooth clean tags when I want them, and drippy messy tags when I am in the mood for those. I only experience issues with dripping/leaking when the tip gets worn too thin and is about to go. Replacing the tip always restores to perfect working order. Even with the flow regulator installed in the tip and using thick paint (OTR paint is thick compared to ink), I can get plenty of drips and the capacity easily lasts me through a normal day. I have a few other mops (AP Squeazy E, fullsize OTR Soultip, 15mm valve marker, etc) that all have larger capacities and I carry those for heavy bombing, but this one is perfect for when I'm not bombing: going to grab a bite to eat, work, etc.. this mop is literally ALWAYS in my pocket and hasn't done me wrong!

If you want a pocket size marker for the times when you can't carry a fullsize mop, you could do much worse than the .005!  4 of 5 Stars!