Art Primo Sticker Pack
Art Primo Sticker Pack
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This 8 piece pack features assorted AP stickers as well as stickers from many of our favorite vendors ... more▾ 

Reviews (33)  4.8 of 5 Stars!

WESTEND909.:97TIL 01/13/2021
Wife got me a sticker album for Christmas that I've been filling up with slaps and I've seen the sticker trade videos so i thought it'd be dope to have slaps from other writers that aren't in the Inland Empire,got my shipment yesterday and when I opened this pack i got more eggshells and blank "my name is" stickers more than anything,never getting this crap pack again that $hit disappointed me (AP Reply: This pack isn't advertised as a way to get Sticker Trade stickers. This is simply to get an assportments of Art Primo stickers as the name suggests. It would be unethical for us to sell other people's stickers that they send us for free. If you're interested in stickers from the sticker trade, all you need to do is email and ask. We send them pretty freely as this is something we do for fun. Feel free to reach out info@artprimo.com)  1 of 5 Stars!