Uni Paint Broad PX-30 Marker
Uni Paint Broad PX-30 Marker
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The Unipaint Broad PX-30 paint marker is a classic! And the best for your money if you ask us. The ... more▾ 

Questions (67)  

Question: if I refill this with another ink or paint, I would have to change the nib right?

Question: What is a good refill for silver i can use
Answer:(AP Reply)There's not, to our knowledge, a good xylene-based silver refill with the right flow on the market yet. Be patient, good things come to those who wait :)

Question: What is the capacity in ml of this marker?
Answer:(AP Reply)Approximately 30ml.

Question: Will the colored turn white over time with sun exposure??
Answer:(AP Reply)Unis are pigment-based rather than dye inks- they're highly UV resistant.
 (Anonymous Says:) The pink seems to fade in the sun over time….. The pink seems to fade in the sun over time…..

Question: Yoo AP would I be able to put alcohol based paint in these for a refill
Answer:(AP Reply)You can, but we reccomend replacing the nib- especially when switching between formulas.

Question: should i flare the nib for better results?
Answer:(AP Reply)Personal preference, but we like a flare.

Question: Are you guys going to get the pink px30s in??
Answer:(AP Reply)Working on it! Our PX-30s come direct from Japan so be patient and keep an eye out. :)
 (ARK Says:) If you can't wait for a pink, top off a fresh red with white Marsh and you have the best pink known to mankind!If you can't wait for a pink, top off a fresh red with white Marsh and you have the best pink known to mankind!

Question: Can I refill with otr paint?
Answer:(AP Reply)Yes you can- you may want to replace the nib.

Question: Can I mix the steve garvey 2.0 in a blue colored uni ?? Will it mix well??
Answer:(AP Reply)We haven't tried that combo. You'll have to give it a shot and let us know how you like it!

Question: 34 year old who\'s been writing for 21 years now and never had a silver or gold px30. Always sold out. Tempted to order straight from Japan in bulk and sell them b*tches $10 a pop fast. Greatest marker on the market, next to the Pentel shorty.
Answer:(AP Reply)If you\'d prefer not to order 10k of markers from Japan, our restock should be here in the next week. :)

Question: yo can you mix steve garvey into these? i’ve mixed regular garvey just fine but idk about steve garvey since it’s alcohol based
Answer:(AP Reply)A Xylene-based ink like Pilot or Magic Ink would mix more easily.

Question: i have an empty px30. can i fill it with montana street paint?
Answer:(AP Reply)We don't carry Montana Street Paint, so I can't say for sure. Pilot or Marsh would be a better bet.

Question: Does the silver get its paint chunky like the gold if I don’t use it right away? And can I mix the silver with red magic ink?
Answer:(AP Reply)If you have not used your marker in awhile, give it a good shake to mix the pigments before use. :)

Question: Is molotow liquid chrome a good refill

Answer:(AP Reply)Pilot or Magic Ink would be more compatible, but the Liquid Chrome will give the best shine! You'll want to replace the nib and make note- LC is not as durable outdoors as Uni Paint.

Question: any eta on a restock?? cant find any graff shop that doesnt sell them for more then 7 dollars
Answer:(AP Reply)In the next couple of weeks- stay tuned. :)

Question: Can i refill this with hard 2 buff?
Answer:(AP Reply)Magic Ink would be a better option, but you could use hard to buff with a new nib.

Question: What’s the best ink/paint to refill the black and silver markers
Answer:(AP Reply)We don't carry an oil-based Silver, but a Pilot Refill or Magic Ink Refill will work well for the black.

Question: Can I refill with soultip ink?
Answer:(AP Reply)You can, but you'd be better off using Pilot or another oil-based ink.

Question: i don’t even know what to refill these with yo

will flowpen work well in this??

Answer:(AP Reply)Try the Magic Ink or Pilot Refills.

Question: Does the silver or any other color come filled with ink fresh out shipping ready to tag or no
Answer:(AP Reply)All colors are sold pre-filled and ready to rock.

Question: strong odor?
Answer:(AP Reply)Yes, Uni markers have a strong odor. Use them only in well ventilated areas.

Question: YO AP! I just came up with a brilliant idea! Can yall make a full set of these? I did the math, $6 a marker and there are 7 colors, the total comes to $42! I would buy that in a hot second!!
Answer:(AP Reply)Thank you for the suggestion, that's a great idea!

Question: Can I use Magic Ink in these bad boys/ what about ghetto Krink? Thanks!
Answer:(AP Reply)Magic ink should be just fine. Ghetto Krink use at your discretion.

Question: Are these good for black books?
Answer:(AP Reply)You can use them in a blackbook, you just have to wait for the paint to dry.

Question: How do I open this marker for refill? I've tried with all my strength for the last 30 minutes and it feels super glued shut.
Answer:(AP Reply)These are glued shut and I believe they are counter clockwise, so def try in opening in the other direction and maybe use a tool.

Question: what can u use to refill this ho they barely come filled
Answer:(AP Reply)Dr. Guts

Question: Yo wats good AP? Quick question... i just bought a new uni broad are they still tha import label from japan??? BANZAI!!!!
Answer:(AP Reply)Japanese import labeled pens are subject to what we have in stock. Once they run out, we ship out US labeled ones.

Question: what ink would work for refiling the silver to giveit that classic uni paint silver shine and keep my tags bright
Answer:(AP Reply)Dr. Guts or the Krink will work just fine.

Question: These markers are sick! I love the yellow and silver but I have no clue what to refill them with... You guy's don't seem to have smash anymore "sad face" "how will I go on face" *violin starts playing* and I need something with a similar thickness that the stock paint has. Hook it up ya'll sexy homosapians

Question: No silver?
Answer:(AP Reply)We are out of stock of this currently.

Question: Ay AP, hows the white? I love white ink/paint for bombing.. Hows this look? Is it real opaque and bright or more watery see thru??
Answer:(AP Reply)The white in this line is pretty good. As with all paint, make sure you shake it really well.

Question: So I got this problem with my Smash KO, Ultrafine Pilot Gold, and Unipaint markers where i try and juice it and all the ink starts coming out at once. How do I fix this?
Answer:(AP Reply)It sounds like you/re not shaking your markers and perhaps storing them upright nib side down.

Try storing them on their side and shake them really well. You may also need to invest in new nibs as it sounds like you/ve clogged the valves of these markers.

Question: I got two golds and they both seem like their watered down I shook them and everything
Answer:(AP Reply)Email us yo. artprimo.com@gmail.com

Question: If I refill one of these bad boys with smash, will I have to thin it down or can I just put it in by itself?
Answer:(AP Reply)Yes and no. Its really up to you.
 (Trav D Says:) DONT DO IT.. Its a waste.. I ruined my new marker cuz i added smash ink and its awful.. Sooo streaky and doesnt flowDONT DO IT.. Its a waste.. I ruined my new marker cuz i added smash ink and its awful.. Sooo streaky and doesnt flow

Question: This or OTR Streaky Mc Streakerson .060
Answer:(AP Reply)Only if you are doing it wrong.

Question: Do Smash and Uni paint mix together well? i was thinking of making a metalic blue mix. im asking cuz ive tried this many other times with diff markers nd it just got all clumpy and nasty Thanks!
Answer:(AP Reply)Yes. Quite well.

Question: could i tag wit this?
Answer:(AP Reply)Of course. You can tag with anything.
 (SeaTownSavage Says:) I can't stop laughing.I can't stop laughing.

Question: YO! ever considered any ZIG products such as Zig painty? they are very similar to the uni paints but much cheaper, they are oil + xylene based.
Answer:(AP Reply)As artists we are much happier with the performance of the Uni products over the Zig. If you would like to go a step further, the Smash ink is an excellent Xylene-based paint to refill either of these products with.

Question: Is pilot ink a good refill for these?
Answer:(AP Reply)you can use it just fine, sure.

Question: Is it possible to take a white Uni and mix it with smash colors like teal or bubblegum? If so would that make the ink too thick to run through the nib, or does the Uni paint thin it out? Finally, will said color be opaque?
Answer:(AP Reply)That will work just fine.

Question: waddup ap, when will u be on deck with the unis ? i love these !
Answer:(AP Reply)no time frame

Question: What would you recommend for a refill ink for the silver?
Answer:(AP Reply)Smash

Question: Is y'all ganna get the silver back in stock I was about to check out then they were out of stock
Answer:(AP Reply)probably not any time soon
 (Tenz Says:) Oh then I'll get the goldOh then I'll get the gold

Question: hows the flow on these markers

would it be more comparable to an otr (pretty streaky)

or to a water based paint marker (almost no streaks at all)
Answer:(AP Reply)The UNI has been around for years. I'm sure there are thousands of Youtube videos about it. its like neither of the two you mentioned.

Question: if u flip the nib will it be a flat tip like the ko
Answer:(AP Reply)yes. They are different lengths though.

Question: i mean if u flip it
Answer:(AP Reply)Please provide context when following up on a question.

Question: would it just be a flat tip ? like the k.o
Answer:(AP Reply)yes

Question: what would u buy this marker for then ?
Answer:(AP Reply)yes

Question: can you flip the nib and make it a bullet nib?
Answer:(AP Reply)You can flip the nib. It will not be a bullet though.

Question: is it possible to mix the color with eachother to make a custom color using only the paint contained in the markers?
Answer:(AP Reply)yes

Question: are this good for blackbooks?
Answer:(AP Reply)I wouldn't recommend wasting such a great marker on your blackbook, but there are a million toys on youtube doing it, so go for it.


yes you can

Question: Can you put nero ink in the black one if it still have black paint in it? and well money shot work also?
Answer:(AP Reply)yes it should work. give it a shot.

Question: can u please make a video of this?
Answer:(AP Reply)sure
 (Haha🔫 Says:) They'll put it on the list hahaThey'll put it on the list haha

Question: what colors are the best instead of silver?
Answer:(AP Reply)black, blue, gold, red, yellow. I like them all

Question: do a video. i KNOW you guys would have a clean handstyle with these
Answer:(AP Reply)ok ill put this on the list.

Question: Are these filled all the way or are they skimped out like the K-71?
Answer:(AP Reply)They might have a bit less. But thats not why you buy this marker
 (Anonymous Says:) I will buy this marker for its badassnessI will buy this marker for its badassness

Question: Are the Uni Paint markers xylene based? If not, do you have any xylene based paint markers?
Answer:(AP Reply)yes they are

Question: Can you fill these with grog?
Answer:(AP Reply)only if you are capable of doing it

Question: hows the gold
Answer:(AP Reply)Good

Question: hows the black
Answer:(AP Reply)It all right but silver is where its at.

Question: If i refill this with smash will the nib like gunk up and sh*t?
Answer:(AP Reply)These work great with smash

Question: I can't open these do u no how to do it
Answer:(AP Reply)Yes its really easy. Just unscrew it at the part under the cap that is colored.
 (Trav d Says:) Its the opposite way.. Turn it to the right to take off.. Its from ChinaIts the opposite way.. Turn it to the right to take off.. Its from China

Question: i cant seem to scew of the cap to add some garvey can some one tell me how to do it?
Answer:(AP Reply)Try wearing rubber gloves. It comes off but some of them are on there tight.

Question: wich color should i get(already have blue)?
Answer:(AP Reply)gold

Question: R u these hard 2 refill or is it a screw on cap?
Answer:(AP Reply)Screw on

Question: i heard thier gonna stop making these,is thst true?
Answer:(AP Reply)I dont think so.