Sakura Solid Markers
Sakura Solid Markers
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Reach for the Sakura Solid Marker when you want to leave a lasting impression! These solidified paint ... more▾ 

Questions (58)  

Question: Can I bring a graffiti Mop on the plane i am flying internationally the mop i want to bring is a montana street dabber. Hope the guys at art primo see this and can answer.
Answer:(AP Reply)Hi there- your mileage may vary and this is in no way a guarantee, but typically any liquids under 3oz are fine.

Question: Are these permanent?
Answer:(AP Reply)These are paint markers, so they are permanent but in a different way from an ink marker. Solidified paint markers are UV-resistant, weather proof and waterproof.

Question: My Sakura streaker won’t twist so I can’t use it is there a way to fix it?
Answer:(AP Reply)Email us, we can help: info@artprimo.com

Question: Are you guys gonna be getting the sakura jumbos back?
Answer:(AP Reply)We might. These are such specialty items that re-orders are challenging. If we do get them in, we/ll update the site so stay tuned!

Question: Ok so inadded ONE, just one of these markers to my cart and mt shipping went up three dollars.. I kno tht sounds petty but sh*ts hurting right now, sorry soudin like a jew but yea
Answer:(AP Reply)Sounds like a shipping questions, you should email the site for this; artprimo.com@gmail.com
 (trav D Says:) Hey AP SORRY about makin that "jew" comment, it was stupid and not right. I have no problems with any type of people. MybadHey AP SORRY about makin that "jew" comment, it was stupid and not right. I have no problems with any type of people. Mybad

Question: Hey AP, I was wondering; Whats the Difference between these Sakura Solid Markers and the
Sakura Solidified Paint Low Halogen Markers??
Answer:(AP Reply)We have one available on our site, the other we don't carry.

Question: MrGraffMang here i was gunna say... do u know were to get these other than online? those!!!
Answer:(AP Reply)IDK. But we prefer you get AP Streakers. made with love by naked ladies in the back room.

Question: Can I take a bunch of colors and melt them so I create a new color? And how can do it
Answer:(AP Reply)You can, but we don't recommend melting solid makers as they have lots of chemicals and may release a lot of fumes. Always wear a respirator when experimenting with products and work in a well-ventilated area.

Question: can i take this on a plane?
Answer:(AP Reply)This is not a fluid marker so yes.

Question: is it true that if you leave the marker in the sun and put the nipple cap on the nipple shape comes back??
Answer:(AP Reply)I have never tried that. and it would be unnecessary to do. If you know how to use them. You need to rotate the streak as you write with it.

Question: so its all good if it dont have the nipple shape right?
Answer:(AP Reply)Yes...

Question: When is that light blue, Tiffany blue, or sky blue gonna be out ?
Answer:(AP Reply)Don't know, sorry.
 (MrFlokaG Says:) HEY ALL U KIDDIES THAT HAVE BEEN ASKING FOR THE TEAL COLERED STREAK!!!???? WELL LOOK NO MORE!!!! ITS THE GREEN ONE(arpreply) He is asking about a light blue, not teal. Pretty sure everyone knows the green is the teal one. HEY ALL U KIDDIES THAT HAVE BEEN ASKING FOR THE TEAL COLERED STREAK!!!???? WELL LOOK NO MORE!!!! ITS THE GREEN ONE(arpreply) He is asking about a light blue, not teal. Pretty sure everyone knows the green is the teal one.
 (LA-corkscrew Says:) im reading alot of "how do i keep it pointy" questions. you guys are over thinking it. just go out and get up, have fun with it stop worrying about preserving your supplies! a real writer would never question their instinctsim reading alot of "how do i keep it pointy" questions. you guys are over thinking it. just go out and get up, have fun with it stop worrying about preserving your supplies! a real writer would never question their instincts

Question: why do you have to use it on the sides?
Answer:(AP Reply)try it you'll see.
 (Anonymous Says:) If you write directly flat, you get a larger line but it's almost always blocky, it jumps a lot and leaves gaps, and generally isn't that nice. It works to write flat, but I don't recommend it. Writing on the side keeps the line smooth, round, and consistent, and keeps it from streaking like crazy. I know it's called a "Streaker", but writing directly flat takes that to an insane level and it looks ugly.If you write directly flat, you get a larger line but it's almost always blocky, it jumps a lot and leaves gaps, and generally isn't that nice. It works to write flat, but I don't recommend it. Writing on the side keeps the line smooth, round, and consistent, and keeps it from streaking like crazy. I know it's called a "Streaker", but writing directly flat takes that to an insane level and it looks ugly.

Question: are these markers better than the hobo markers?
Answer:(AP Reply)They are just different.
 (Anonymous Says:) It's down to preference, AP/Markal hobo sticks are usually harder and less buttery, with a scab that you have to peel off since it dries out, while Sakura/AP Streakers are usually more buttery, smooth, and sticky. My personal preference is the Sakura but it's entirely up to what you'd like to do. Markwell markers are objectively crap in most cases. But Streaker/Hobo Stick is up to you, and what you enjoy doing. I do however recommend the AP streakers though, they're the exact same if not a little better in terms of quality, but the Sakura-style one has a better cap, and the hobo stik is the same but cheaper and you'll be supporting Art Primo.It's down to preference, AP/Markal hobo sticks are usually harder and less buttery, with a scab that you have to peel off since it dries out, while Sakura/AP Streakers are usually more buttery, smooth, and sticky.
My personal preference is the Sakura but it's entirely up to what you'd like to do.
Markwell markers are objectively crap in most cases. But Streaker/Hobo Stick is up to you, and what you enjoy doing.

I do however recommend the AP streakers though, they're the exact same if not a little better in terms of quality, but the Sakura-style one has a better cap, and the hobo stik is the same but cheaper and you'll be supporting Art Primo.

Question: After you split 2 sakura streakers and put them together what's the best way to get them to stick to eachother?
Answer:(AP Reply)they will stick. Just stick them together and screw them back into the marker.
 (Swaggy McYOLO Says:) throw em in the freezer for a couple hoursthrow em in the freezer for a couple hours

Question: Where the hell is that blue? It's not in the list! (All out?)
And is the blue that light (sky blue?)?
Answer:(AP Reply)there is only one blue.

Question: what's caked
Answer:(AP Reply)Like cake cake?
 (sike Says:) Like cutting cake in the Champagne room!Like cutting cake in the Champagne room!

Question: besides solid markers what marker would be a good tagging markerand it has to be small
Answer:(AP Reply)get a toxic shocker and fill it with pilot ink

Question: pretend sakuras didn't have a fancy @$$ shell and stuff would you recommend sakura or markal
Answer:(AP Reply)they are just different. Sakuras are buttery but more limited to the surfaces you can use them on. Markals on the other hand will write on ANYTHING. I preferm Markals with my dollar

Question: Yo AP is it true that you need to keep these in a freezer because I just keep them in my closet?
Answer:(AP Reply)no you dont. but it helps.

Question: have you ever put a shakira in a chapstick?
Answer:(AP Reply)You wouldn't believe what I put into Shakira.
 (Prophet Says:) The greatest answer I have heard on apThe greatest answer I have heard on ap
 (Saer Says:) @AP Lmao !@AP Lmao !

Question: Are these like a crayon
Answer:(AP Reply)they are like a crayon, like Kobe Beef steaks are like Mc Donalds

Question: What color looks better with yellow split?
Answer:(AP Reply)blue
 (Anonymous Says:) Orange, green, flouro orange, white, pink.. I find the subtle color differences works best. Too drastic of a change looks weird imo. Like when peoole do black and white.. eghk. Its all up to u tho. Be creativeOrange, green, flouro orange, white, pink.. I find the subtle color differences works best. Too drastic of a change looks weird imo. Like when peoole do black and white.. eghk. Its all up to u tho. Be creative

Question: can u melt these to make ur own colors????????
Answer:(AP Reply)anything is possible.

Question: when you gonna get more fluroscent greens, been waiting for like a month alrdy.
Answer:(AP Reply)sakura doesnt make flourescent green

Question: do you guy's sell split collor's
Answer:(AP Reply)not at this time
 (Anonymous Says:) do it yourslef lazydo it yourslef lazy

Question: hey ap is it possible to buy these sakuras by cases instead individually?
Answer:(AP Reply)sure. t

Question: yo ap i heard that iff you left your streak in the fridge for and hour or two it hardens it and last longer would it matter if i left mine in there for a day or two
Answer:(AP Reply)IDK if a day or a week makes a diff

Question: in the pic of all of them what color is the one with the cap getting taken off. orange or flour orange?
Answer:(AP Reply)orange
 (DASEING Says:) i have the orange it doesnt really look like the picture idk if its my computer lighting but my orange sakura came out a wee tad darker matei have the orange it doesnt really look like the picture idk if its my computer lighting but my orange sakura came out a wee tad darker mate

Question: Do these work well in a blackbook?
Answer:(AP Reply)not really
 (ALTOH Says:) Nah homie these markers are used for smoother steel surfaces such as rails n poles n street signs and I recommend not using his marker on paper or concreteNah homie these markers are used for smoother steel surfaces such as rails n poles n street signs and I recommend not using his marker on paper or concrete

Question: are sakura wiked dope. fazoodle is a toy.
Answer:(AP Reply)YEah, WOoP DAT TrICk!

Question: whats the problem with the yellow?
Answer:(AP Reply)There is none

Question: Yo art primo y u so dope cuz no shop website or any toy shops got nothing on u no wounder yall the best got gud @$$ sh*t
Answer:(AP Reply)thanks

Question: Is there a way to get that little nipple shape on the top again once its gone flat?
Answer:(AP Reply)NO. you dont need that. just write along the sharp edge
 (+Yoru+ Says:) .....Stop giving bad advice. If you rotate the marker as you write with it you can maintain the sharp line. There is no need to go shaving and cutting your Sakuras kids. .....Stop giving bad advice. If you rotate the marker as you write with it you can maintain the sharp line. There is no need to go shaving and cutting your Sakuras kids.

Question: when you use it a lot it gets flat. Is there anyway you can get that cone shape on the top again?
Answer:(AP Reply)Your not using it right.

Question: i see 2 greens. ones more of a teal color and ones more of like a bright green. Which ones which? cuz i dont wanna order one expecting a teal and then i get a bright one
Answer:(AP Reply)Just one green, green and fluorescent yellow

Question: what are the dopest splits?
Answer:(AP Reply)banana splits

Question: So, I'm imagining something with the consistency of an oil pastel... how far off am I?
Answer:(AP Reply)its somewhat similar

Question: Yo AP what are the dopest colors? I can't decide!!!
Answer:(AP Reply)green and black split

Question: why is ap so dope?
Answer:(AP Reply)because we are like you

Question: why did the chicken cross the road???
Answer:(AP Reply)To tag on your girls tata's
 (Live Says:) HAHAHA strait up AP!HAHAHA strait up AP!

Question: What's the most recommended way to write with these? In terms of using the tip (like a chisel?) or whatnot?
Answer:(AP Reply)No Chisel. Its like a crayon.
 (Anonymous Says:) I know, but to preserve the tip is the best way to write with the side of it at an angle? I'll just test it out for myself...I know, but to preserve the tip is the best way to write with the side of it at an angle? I'll just test it out for myself...

Question: unrelated to product, but if you were to paint on drywall, would you need to primer the surface before painting? (apreply)
Answer:(AP Reply)Yes, and use the "ask art primo" option next time.

Question: can u fit dez in a chap stick body?
Answer:(AP Reply)anything is possible.
 (Anonymous Says:) Chap stick barrel is too skinny. Ull have to jam it in there and lose paint in the process, or break the streak. I would shave the paint stick to make it thinner if ur trying to do that.Chap stick barrel is too skinny. Ull have to jam it in there and lose paint in the process, or break the streak. I would shave the paint stick to make it thinner if ur trying to do that.
 (MrGraffMang Says:) yea i do it all the time i tagged in school with one then i saw teacher coming and shoved it up myass so i dident get caught!yea i do it all the time i tagged in school with one then i saw teacher coming and shoved it up myass so i dident get caught!

Question: To split these, do you just cut it the lenghth of the marker, stick em together and put it back in the body? Do you have to melt it together?
Answer:(AP Reply)yup
 (Ace Dom Tora Says:) Go to the forums, thats what they are there forGo to the forums, thats what they are there for

Question: in your opinion are these the best streaks tou can buy?
Answer:(AP Reply)yes. but the markals are a good alternative if your low on funds

Question: r theses in stores ****
Answer:(AP Reply)sorry had to delete part of your post. To answer your question. I have never seen these in a store. I would be very surprised if you find these anywhere.
 (Krab Says:) Yeah they are. Up in smoke carrys them. But they cost six f*cking bucks. Buy them from APYeah they are. Up in smoke carrys them. But they cost six f*cking bucks. Buy them from AP

Question: Can we get a video?
Answer:(AP Reply)maybe

Question: How much is a 12 pack of solid markers???
Answer:(AP Reply)$47.64
 (Baze Says:) Bruh.Bruh.

Question: Hey is the green like a teal sort of
Answer:(AP Reply)yes

Question: Yo which is the better buy. this or a Markal?
Answer:(AP Reply)they are both great. and if you havn't tried both i highly recommend doing so.
 (Ace Dom Tora Says:) Sakuras writing smoother but arent as good in the rain as the markalls. Get the aliminium u will not regret it homie.Sakuras writing smoother but arent as good in the rain as the markalls. Get the aliminium u will not regret it homie.

Question: what kind of a smel do these have
Answer:(AP Reply)like windex

Question: i heard that the yellow doesn't work that well like the others, is it true ?
Answer:(AP Reply)it works fine
 (smearone Says:) It's hella bad try it I'm serious it bright on dark surfacesIt's hella bad try it I'm serious it bright on dark surfaces

Question: How do u dye these?
Answer:(AP Reply)very carefully

Question: so these will work when its raining right?
Answer:(AP Reply)not like the markalls do

Question: can the paint melt?
Answer:(AP Reply)if you keep it in your pocket all day and you live in cali then they will get soft. most people put them in the freezer till they are ready to use them
 (Anonymous Says:) i spent the whole day in sf walking around with these in my pocket and i could write with them all day. one of the best buys.i spent the whole day in sf walking around with these in my pocket and i could write with them all day. one of the best buys.
 (smaveone Says:) i just worked all night in a hot kitchen with mine in my pocket and it didnt melt or anythingi just worked all night in a hot kitchen with mine in my pocket and it didnt melt or anything

Question: i ordered a flour. yellow and a blue but got a black instead of a blue but its all good, and i was wondering i should split them or not because i dont know if it would look good or not.Also i was wondering how hard it is to split them because im only twelve and im not good at that kind of thing! thanks art primo
Answer:(AP Reply)its super easy to split. Just check out our tutorials.

Question: i wonder why people call them "streaks"?
Answer:(AP Reply)Because of Mean Streaks.